How We Help

What your mother won’t tell you

This is a friendly community but not “friends and family.” Friends and family are very supportive and necessary to success and we give thanks for that. But they are not always objective or candid. We tell you what your mother won’t. This is tough love for the entrepreneur. We ask many questions of clarification and rigorously assess your ideas and marketability and the value of your opportunity or at least as much as time permits.

Why do we do this?

We know how important support, encouragement, and honest feedback are, because many of us have been in your shoes. We want to pay it forward. So we give an hour of our time every week to help entrepreneurs like you. Some advice will resonate, and some won’t. You might even hear conflicting advice! Simply take what you like and leave the rest. We only ask you to have an open mind and take notes.

Present with us!

We provide an interactive forum for entrepreneurs to present their business and any issues that they would like to discuss and receive objective, friendly feedback from the meeting participants. Comments are intended to be constructive pointing out both good and bad aspects of the business plan. This is not the last stop on your journey but we encourage repeat performances at The Entrepreneurial Hour. We hope to see you Wednesday @ 8AM EST for The Entrepreneurial Hour!